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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

6 Activities to Keep Seniors Healthy

Remaining active in your senior years is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health. Regular exercise improves strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and falls. It enhances mood, cognition, and overall quality of life, promoting independence and longevity in aging individuals. Here are six activities in which seniors can participate to remain healthy: 1. Regular Physical Activity Engaging in regular...

The Cost of Not Having Business Insurance

Running a business comes with many risks, from property damage to legal liabilities. While some business owners may see insurance as an unnecessary expense, the cost of failing to have adequate coverage can far outweigh the premiums paid. It is essential to understand the potential consequences of operating without business insurance. Financial Losses from Property Damage Property damage can occur unexpectedly due to natural disasters,...

Spring Showers: Why You Need Personal Umbrella Insurance

Personal umbrella insurance is an additional layer of liability coverage that goes beyond the limits of your standard home or auto insurance policy. It provides extra protection if you are sued for damages exceeding the limits of your primary insurance policies. Here's why you should consider adding a personal umbrella policy to your insurance portfolio: Protection Against Liability Risks Spring brings blooming flowers and unpredictable...

Are Hearing Aids Covered by Medicare?

Many individuals with hearing loss rely on hearing aids to improve their quality of life and communication abilities. However, one common question among Medicare beneficiaries is whether hearing aids are covered by the program. Medicare Part A and Part B Coverage Medicare Part A and Part B, also known as Original Medicare, provide coverage for a range of medical services and supplies. However, when it...

A Small Business Owner's Guide to Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the foundation of sound financial management; for small business owners, it's essential for success. With April being Financial Literacy Month, there's no better time to learn more about the fundamentals of financial literacy that every small business owner should know. Budgeting Basics for Small Businesses Budgeting is crucial for small businesses to manage finances and achieve their profit goals effectively. To effectively...